Nomination news for ‘Freestyle’ episode

  • July 2022
  • News

Zebra Uno is proud to celebrate the nomination of Freestyle, an inspirational story about a deaf girl.

Freestyle, an episode from the CBBC’s Snap series has received another nomination – brilliant news! Under the Kidscreen Awards’ Kids Programming category, Freestyle has been nominated for Best Inclusivity.

Zebra Uno was involved in the production of the episode, back in 2021, working with Threewise Entertainment and Bursteardrum.

The annual Kidscreen Awards has been running for 14 years and they aim to recognise successful TV and digital media work, focused on children and families.  The awards took place at the Kidscreen Summit in Miami this week. Sadly, Freestyle did not win but congratulations to the winners, who you can find out about here!

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