Jack and Matthew Supports Movember

  • December 2012
  • News

At the break of dawn on Thursday 1st November, our two staff, Matthew Shaw and Jack Smallwood, came to work as per usual, but with a slightly different motive – to grow facial hair!

It was beginning of Movember and has they began to strike up the deal of allowing their facial hair to grow for a whole month; we certainly didn’t want to miss out on what it would look like. The main purpose for this was to show their support to Movember but the challenge for them both was to see what a month’s growth would look like.

Both Matthew and Jack have kept their word and have daily uploaded photos on both Twitter and Instagram of their Movember for your entertainment. Zebra Uno are proud of both their staff and of their support to Movember…

The aim of Movember is for men to grow moustaches for the whole of November and by doing this they raise funds and awareness of prostate and testicular cancer. This doesn’t just happen in the UK, but the whole wide world. It started back to 2003, when around 30 men from Melbourne, Australia decided to take on the challenge and since then it has become a worldwide phenomenon. In 2011, 854,288 men took part in November!

There are a number of ways to get involved with Movember. You can start growing a moustache, make a donation or do both and encourage others to give throughout the whole month. There are certain rules of how to grow a proper moustache. You are not allowed to join at the sideburns or with the chin. The funds raised in the UK will go directly to Movember Foundation and their partners, Prostate Cancer UK and the Institute of Cancer Research to help them with their research, awareness and education.

Zebra Uno Movember

3rd December 2012

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